Littlemax Fine Bed Shavings began in 2010 in response to the demand for high performance bed shavings that come in a lighter form. Littlemax is dust free, hygienic & provides all of the same natural pine benefits found in Bedmax. It has been found that this product is much easier to move around, lasts just as long & may be a little more economic.
DUST Bedding is one of the biggest sources of dust in the stable. We aim to screen out and vacuum extract as much potentially breathable dust as humanly possible to reduce this risk to the lowest possible level.
HOOFCARE It’s an old cliché, but no hoof, no horse. Littlemax is supportive under-hoof as well as being dried to a controlled moisture content to prevent hooves from drying out and cracking.
HYGIENE Littlemax shavings are made predominantly from naturally antibacterial pine, and they’re dried at sterilising temperatures to help you keep your stable as hygienic as possible.
JOINTS Littlemax provides a supportive bed which protects horses’ hocks and other joints from damage when lying down.
AMMONIA Littlemax removes urine from the surface of the bed to be absorbed at the base. This reduces exposure to harmful ammonia which damages horses’ lungs and hooves.
REST A clean, supportive bed encourages horses to lie down safely in order to achieve necessary REM sleep.
BETTER FOR HORSES Ultra low dust Supportive for hooves Manages moisture Cushions hocks & joints Improves rest
BETTER FOR OWNERS Peace of mind Easy to use Goes a long way Long lasting Great value
WHY IS LITTLEMAX SPECIAL? Manufactured from fresh timber Made mostly from Scots pine Smaller, finer flakes Controlled drying Triple dust-extracted